Our beliefs



1. The Bible consists of 66 volumes of Old and New Testaments, and is the inerrant Word of God all of which was inspired by Him. The Bible contains every matter which God wished to reveal about His salvation, and is the only and absolute standard of our faith and conduct.

2. God is one and only, and spiritual in nature. He is infinite, eternal and changeless in His existence, wisdom, power, holiness, righteousness, love and truth.

<The Work of God>
3. God created all things, and controls all things by his authority. He sent His Son to save sinners in His good will at His right time.
4. God created man in His image. Although Adam, the first man, was in the right relationship with God, he rebelled against His will by the temptation from Satan, committed sin, and became depraved. As all men committed sin in Adam, they have the nature of sin by birth, and are under the wrath of God.

5. Lord Jesus Christ is the true God and true man. The Lord was born from the virgin Mary who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, and died on the cross on behalf of mankind’s sin, was buried, was resurrected on the third day, and ascended to the Heaven. He sits at right-hand of God the Father, and ministers as the High Priest interceding for us.

<The Holy Spirit>
6. The Holy Spirit works to make man recognize his sin, to be born again, and to make him a child of God. He dwells in the one who believes in Christ, helps us to live in Christ in this life, and moulds him in the image of Christ.

7. Salvation is the gracious gift of God for the one who believes the substitutional death of Christ. Those who have been pardoned of their sin and justified will never perish and be given eternal life.

8. The Church is the body of Christ with him as her head, and the fellowship of the regenerated by the Holy Spirit through the preaching of the word. The Church obey the will of God, worships Him, studies the Holy Scriptures, keeps the ordinances of baptism and holy communion, preaches the good news, serves one another as servants of the Lord, fights for the Gospel together, works in love, and waits for the return of the Lord.

<The Return of Christ and the Final Judgment>
9. The Lord Jesus Christ will come again with His body. The dead will be resurrected with their bodies, and all men will stand before the judgment seat. The Lord will divide the believers to eternal blessings and the non-believers to eternal punishment. He will make all things new in the end, and will give the Kingdom to God the Father.